
David, son of Jesse, of the tribe of Judah.

Even though he was the youngest of seven brothers, David was tasked to defend the family inheritance as a shepherd boy. After being anointed by the Prophet Samuel, David entered into the service of King Saul as his musician and armor bearer. Though he had not engaged in battle yet, he was very familiar with warfare and its tactics. Above all, he had a tender heart for the God of Israel, Yahweh.

The Philistines were reported to be preparing for war at the valley of Elah, so the Israelites, including David’s brothers, traveled there to hold them off. Days later, Jesse sent David to the battlefield, but when the young man arrived, he witnessed his Israelite brothers cowering from the Philistines. Apparently, the armies enacted the battle of champions; a ritual that required a champion of each nation to battle. However, when the Philistines revealed their champion to be a giant named Goliath, the Israelites feared to present their champion. For forty days, this giant took advantage of the Israelite’s cowardice, and taunted them with a battle of the gods; to determine whose god was the best. This was an offense against Yahweh , and a challenge that someone had to accept soon. Without hesitation, David offered himself as the champion to King Saul. At first he was mocked and ridiculed, but after David called upon the power of Yahweh, the Israelites accepted his request.

Now, he plans to humiliate Goliath, the Philistines, and their false idol Dagon. And David is more than willing to be the weapon in his God’s hand…no matter the cost!

