
Rumors of an invisible god followed Hebrew slaves out of the sea through the desert. A god that slaughtered first born sons and turned rivers to blood. This nation of slaves conquered the Canaanites; their god crumbled the Jericho wall with only the sound of horns. There is no image of this god, only a golden box called the Ark, which his people keep in a tent. Their god doesn’t even live in the box, he only speaks through it. The Philistines once stole the Ark and placed it in Dagon’s house in Ashdod. The invisible god was angered by this so he destroyed the Dagon idol and plagued the men of the city with tumors. This god is savage and unpredictable, his people the same. They conquer fortified cities with old men, their blind crumble palaces with their bare hands, and their women influence their generals in war.


Philistine Army

